Wednesday, June 6, 2018

First 5 months at Google

In January 2018 I left my previous safe home of the Oracle ecosystem and joined Google as a Customer Engineer on Google Cloud Platform. From the moment I started my free trial on GCP, started playing with BigQuery and did things like pressing the "ssh" button in the Cloud UI to get a terminal to my VM from a browser, it felt like I had seen the future.

In my current job I'm for the moment much more of a generalist than I used to be, covering everything from security to devops, data warehousing to serverless development. I can't choose the questions my customers have, and my job is to help them choose the right technologies and make them succeed with their products and their customers. Learning new stuff is fun!

I have never been a very active blogger, and maybe blogging is a bit 2006 anyway. But still, I decided to keep my blog, as a place to write about the stuff that has interested me since I went to school. Processing data, technologies used to store and retrieve data, measuring performance, tips & tricks I discover while exploring Google Cloud Platform and surrounding technologies.

I hope the content here will be of use to someone.

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